Tokens In Batch File
- Posted in:
- 15/11/17
- 32
Windows batch file set output of program to a variable Here is another example I wrote using FOR statements that will not require you to output anything to a text file first. This is important if you are working in areas where you might not have write access. I also noticed that you sometimes need to remove spaces like from the Date T or Ver commands which return something like Tue 0. Windows NTs FOR F options tokens and delims explained step by step. Microsoft Windows Version 6. ECHO OFF Clear the screen and turn echo off above to keep it clean. CLS Clear any previous variables set. SET TodaySET Day. MonthSET Month. DaySET YearSET Var. SET Win. VerSET Win. MajorSET Win. MinorSET Win. Experts Exchange Questions Batch file to logoff all idle and disconnected sessions Windows Server 2003. Hello, all. I am working on a batch file that will copy down required updates to some software in Program Files. Using the XCOPY command. This works fine as long as. Hi, How do I obtain the yesterday date for MSDOS batch I am curently doing the following which is faulty. I am not sure how I can deduce the date correctly. BuildSET Week. DaySET Day. Of. Week Get Value from VER command output. BlackBerry-Smartphone-Simulator_3.png' alt='Tokens In Batch File' title='Tokens In Batch File' />FOR F tokens i in VER do SET Win. Veri. FOR F tokens1 3 delims A IN Win. Ver DO SET Var. A Get version number only so drop off Microsoft Windows Version. FOR F tokens1 9 delimsn A IN Var. DO SET Win. VerCecho Win. WsUe.png' alt='Tokens In Batch File' title='Tokens In Batch File' />Ver Separate version numbers. FOR F tokens1 8 delims. A IN Win. Ver DO SET Win. MajorASET Win. MinorBSET Win. BuildC Fix the extra space left over in the Major. FOR F tokens1 delims A IN Win. Major DO SET Win. MajorA Display ResultsECHO Win. Ver Win. Ver ECHO Win. Major Win. MajorECHO Win. Minor Win. MinorECHO Win. Build Win. Build Pause for a moment. Pause Get the output from the Date T FOR F tokens i in DATE T do SET Todayi. FOR F tokens1 3 delims A IN Today DO SET Day. MonthASET Month. DayBSET YearC Separate the Day from Month like Tue 0. TueFOR F tokens1 delims A IN Day. Month DO SET Day. Clone Dvd Setup Serial Crack Keygen. Of. WeekA Separate the Day from Month like Tue 0. FOR F tokens2 delims A IN Day. Tokens In Batch File' title='Tokens In Batch File' />Month DO SET MonthA Now show the date output using your variables. ECHO Month MonthECHO Day. Of. Week Day. Of. WeekECHO Date Day. Of. Week MonthMonth. Help with multiple tokens in a DOS batch file Thanks. Well let you know when a new response is added. I encountered internet problem, so the details of my question never got posted in the original post for this topic. I will try again. I need some help using multiple tokens in a DOS batch file. This is what I am trying to do 1 I am trying to loop through a set of files within a folder. I only want the files that has ORD in the name. Within each file are a set of 3 lines that has the same name below is a sample of the file, but I am only interested in the one that has the letters MT in the second token. I also want to see if the data in the 3rd token 9. If it is, then add 1 to the counter. I cannot get the correct syntax when using more than 1 tokens. Any help will be greatly appreciated. This is a copy of the DOS batch lt pre echo offsetlocal Enable. Delayed. Expansionset dirc temp. SET counter0 for f tokens2,3 delims a in find I MT dirORD do set Linebif i Line 0,1. This is a sample of the file structure CONTACT Sam WDATESHIPPED 2. DATEORDER 2. 01. DUNNS RT 9. DUNNS MT 9. DUNNS VT 9. SSSSHere is one way to evaluate which simplifies the script. Note since the split is on the space character white spaces are the default, you do not need to specify delims. SET a counter0for f tokens3 a in type dirORDfindstr i MT do if i a9. ECHO counter counterlt pre Pjb. I also was able to try your codes using the FINDSTR and happy to report that it worked also. I now have learned another new way of achieving the same result. Thanks again for your assistance.